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2020          Feature on HBO The Undoing Episode 4 starring Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant and Noma Dumezweni

2019          Actu France USA: Evenements a ne pas manquer: l'Affordable Art Fair, USA 21 TV, (March 30)

2017          Interview by Grégory Durieu for Miami Art Week, Floride TV (Dec 6th)




2023         The Unstarving Artist Episode 19, (August 15)

2022         ING Discerning Eye, Artists and Social Media, (Nov 23)

                 Benjamin Benita, From physical art to digital art, Museum Week (June 14)

                 Angela Tabone-Leske "Season 2 Episode 10:  Laurence de Valmy:", L'Art Trotter podcast, (March 29)

                 Bernadine Franco, "Episode 148:  Laurence de Valmy: The Story of Art, Tik Tok and the NFT", Beyond the Paint podcast, (February 15)

2021         Alyson Stanfield, "Boldly Reaching Out to Art World Influencers", The Art Biz podcast (Nov 4)

                 Emma Hill, "Laurence de Valmy Episode 9", Art Seeker Stories (May 20)

                 Marine Costello, "Art and social media", Harper Harris (May 20)

                 Sandra Felevomicius, "Laurence de Valmy", Tap into your creativity podcast, (Feb 6)

2020         Aaron Jack, Artist to Art podcast (Sept 29)

                 Bernadine Franco, "Episode 89: Laurence de Valmy: #StoriesBehindtheArt", Beyond the Paint podcast, (August 9)

                 Sergio Gomez, "Artists in Lockdown episode 20", Breakfast with Sergio, (April 13)

                Bernadine Franco, "episode 76", Beyond the Paint Podcast, (March 22)

2019         Emilie Cookie, "Inspiring Women in NYC ", Music and Wanderlust (May 20)

                 Sergio Gomez, "Laurence de Valmy gives Instagram to famous artists from the past", Podcast Art Next Level, (March 18)

2018         Julie Chaizemartin, ART Interview, Art District Radio (June 4)

                 Caroline Roosevelt, "Love and Friendship in Art", Radio WCHE 1520AM (Feb 14th)





Mud Foundation Kicks Off Miami Art Week, Creatrix Mag (Dec 4)

Leslie Katz, AI Makeover Transforms Mona Lisa From Enigmatic To ‘Basic’, Forbes (Nov 30)

Laurence de Valmy expose à la MUD Foundation durant la Miami Art Week, Le Petit Journal Miami (Nov 28)

Crypto Mermaids, Laurence de Valmy, NFT Magazine (Nov 28)

Mud Foundation kicks off Miami Art Week, Art Miami Magazine (Nov 19)

Crypto Mermaids, Mud Foundation ignites Miami Art Week with Tech-Art Fusion, NFT Magazine (Nov 19)

Agnes Chareton, Laurence de Valmy expose ses «Posts» à l’Artspace Warehouse de Los Angeles, French Morning (Oct 22)

Laurence de Valmy, Bold Journey (Oct 20)

Prix du Public USA, Le Petit Journal New York (Oct 18)

Color Pop, Artillery Mag (Oct)



Meet Laurence de Valmy, Canvas Rebel (Dec 22)

Sally Brown, Feminist Connect, Art Spiel (Nov 14)

Singulart makes its return at the Affordable Art Fair New York, Singulart Magazine (Sept 7)

Geoff Wichert, The Sound of Something Exploding at the Bountiful Davis Art Center, 15 Bytes  (August 6)

Urban POP art exhibition features Niki de St Phalle among 25 international artists, French Quarter Magazine (July 17)

"Phygitalism is the new trend", Here and There Magazine (June 28)
Life & Work with Laurence de Valmy, SD Voyager, (May 31)

"Women's day edition", Ever Emerging Magazine, (March 8)

ArtCan exhibition for International Women’s Day 2022: Framing our Future, Amplified Art Network (March 6)

"CASP to Present Feminist Connect exhibit featuring art by 14 national artists in honor of Women’s History Month", The Huts Magazine, (Feb 26)

"Feminist Connect exhibit in honor of Women’s History Month", Lubbock county news, (Feb 11)

Kristen Knupp, "Laurence de Valmy: Exploring Timelessness", Art Vista Magazine, (Jan 26)

Emma Riva, "An Evening with Laurence de Valmy’s “Post Paintings” at Summit Public Art", Up Magazine, (Jan 13)



Gretchen Andrew, "Art Basel Miami Beach 2021: Art, Bitchcoin & Champagne", FAD Magazine, (Dec 22)

Daniel Johnson, "The explorer of artistic influence", Most Influential Art Magazine volume 9, (Dec 10)

Sergio Gomez, Art Basel Miami Week 2021: Figurative, Big, NFT, Diverse, and More, Art Next Level Journal (Dec 8)

Dan DiBella, "Summit Public Art Invites Artist Laurence de Valmy to Create Mural, Summit Times, (August 5)

Flowers modernized by Six International Artists, Amplified Art Network (July 6)

"Laurence de Valmy explores Art History and Social Media", Inspiring City, (June 21)

Axel de Guelz, "Laurence de Valmy : du mur Instagram au street art", Un1k, (May 28)

Bardi Osobuanomola Catherine, "Looking ahead to something innovative: Laurence de Valmy #artistonInstagram", The Huts Magazine, (May 08)

Isabelle Karamooz, "When digitalization helps promote gender equality in the arts", French Quarter Magazine, (March 17)

Alexa Bouhelier-Ruelle, "Laurence de Valmy: Appropriation and Social Media", Here and There Magazine (March 15)

Peggy Baron, "Singulart met en avant 20 femmes influentes qui façonnent le monde de l'art", LADN (March 8)

Lizzy Vartanian Collier "Laurence de Valmy imagines the great artists posting on instagram, The Art Gorgeous (March 1)

Eva Mazur, "Laurence de Valmy: du marketing à artiste-peintre, une reconversion réussie !", L'Optimisme, (Jan 19)

Gita Joshi, "Laurence de Valmy", The Curator's Salon, (Jan 5)



Isabelle Karamooz, "Cosmopolis an exhibition in tribute to the diversity and resilience of NYC", French Quarter Magazine, (Oct 19)

Shelby Mc Fadden, “What if Instagram had Always Existed?” - Artist Laurence de Valmy, Candy Floss Magazine (Oct 7)

Cecilia Mencia "5 simple ways to support women artists ... and why it matters", DC Trending (September 14)

Emmanuelle Potiquet, "À quoi ressemblerait le monde de l'art si les grands artistes avaient eu accès à Instagram ?", Troisieme Galerie, (July 5) - English version on Art Direct 

Michael Thibault, "Laurence de Valmy: Post, les comptes Instagram des grands maitres", Mikeshake, (June 18)

Marion Sailhen, "Résidences d'artistes: le témoignage de Laurence de Valmy", Singulart Magazine(June 17)

Feature on History of Art Daily, (June 2020)

Vienna Kim, "Vienna Kim In conversation with Laurence de Valmy", Made in Bed, (May 29)

Axel de Guelz, "Laurence de Valmy peint Instagram", Un1k, (April 15)

"Artists in the time of Coronavirus, an ongoing virtual exhibition, Part 12", Art Blog , (April 7)

Sergio Gomez, "Art Girl Rising + Laurence de Valmy = Women in Art", Amplified Art Network, (March 3)

Antoine Valdivia, "Le 31, Kahn Gallery celebre les artistes francais et britanniques", Le Petit Journal Londres (Jan 28)

Carla Biancarelli, "Kahn Gallery celebre les artistes francais et britanniques", Ici Londres, (Jan 27)

Iris Carlotti "2 questions to the artist Laurence de Valmy", Museum Week (Jan 21)



Zoe Goetzmann, What if Instagram had always existed, Create Magazine Issue 18, (December)

Anisa Benitez, More by Laurence de Valmy, More by Her, (Oct 23)

Natasha Gural, "Dream Come True' For French Artist Discovered By London, New York Galleries On Instagram", Forbes (May 30)

Rachel Scharly, "#womeninculture reportage video du premier evenement New Yorkais", Le Petit Journal New York, (May 29)

"Solo exhibition Laurence de Valmy ", Art in New York City (May 28)

Stéphanie Stiernon, "les artistes francais exposent a Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong", Le Petit Journal Hong Kong (May 27)

Emilie Cookie, "Inspiring Women in NYC ", Music and Wanderlust (May 20)

"Solo Show Laurence de Valmy at Michele Mariaud Gallery", Art Zealous (May 14)

Noelle Newell, "Art and About in New York", Wall Street International, (May 9)

Sergio Gomez, "Laurence de Valmy Instagram paintings: a new take on art history", Amplified Art Network, (May 9)

Rachel Scharly, "Le mouvement #womeninculture s'invite a New York à partir du 13 mai", Le Petit Journal New York, (May 8)

Alexandra Harper, "Artist of the month: Art and Social Media", Women of Culture (April 25)

"Art Market San Francisco is back", Lostin SF (April 24)

"Women in culture: 3 questions to the artist Laurence de Valmy", Museum Week (April 23)

"Interview Laurence de Valmy", Art Habens (April 22)

Rachel Scharly, "La #MuseumWeek revient du 13 au 19 mai 2019. Et c'est mondial", Le Petit Journal New York, (April 9)

Paul Bathellier, "Les peintures Instagram de Laurence de Valmy à San Francisco", French Morning, (April 6)

Rachel Brunet Scharly, "L’artiste française Laurence de Valmy sera à l’Affordable Art Fair", Le Petit Journal New York, (March 26)

Peter de Kuster, "Interview of Laurence de Valmy", The Heroine’s Journey, (Jan 23)

Laurent Colin, "Apres New York et Munich, Laurence de Valmy expose enfin a Londres", Le Petit Journal Londres, (Jan 21)

Clemence Calderon, "Laurence de Valmy expose son travail à la Kahn Gallery", Ici Londres, (Jan 17)



Instagram, impact du réseau social sur l’art, Artpser Magazine

Anja,"Ich will es anfassen!", Kolumne Hamburg, (Nov 18)

Hattie Turner, "An interview with Laurence de Valmy", The Arthiest (Nov 14)

Lydiane Villeneuve, "Affordable Art Fair d'Hambourg avec Laurence de Valmy", Le Petit Journal (Nov 14)

"Our Secret Auction Artist: Laurence de Valmy", Art on a Postcard (Nov 13)

"Things to do in London", Time Out London (Nov 8)

Holly Hager "Ask the Collector with Holly Hager Collecting 101—Talking to Artists", Art Zealous (Nov 7)

Tavi Johnson, "SOFA 2018 VIP opening night", Chiataglance (Nov 1)

Estelle Nilsson-Julien, "Rencontre avec l'artiste Laurence de Valmy qui réinterprète des classiques de l'art: version Instagram",

Ici Londres, (Oct 18)

"Une foire aux oeuvres d'art accessibles pour tous", Londres Mag (Oct 16)

Katja Kraft, "Sind Sie Kunst oder konnen Sie weg?", Merkur Munchen (June 7, 18)

"Die highlights der schillernden eroeffnung!", Art News BUNTE (June 18)Julia Loibl, BUNTE ART – diese Ausstellung müsst ihr im Juni besuchen!, ELLE (May 30th)

Petra Schwegler, "Künstler setzen Bunte in Szene", W&V, (May 29)

Featured artist on Repaint History, (May 25)

Katie Farley,"Laurence de Valmy", Blanc Magazine, (May)

"Bunte Art":  Burda Meets Warhol, Smalltalk Entertainment, (May)

Yasmin Nalbantoglu, "Warum ihr unbedingt zur BUNTE ART Ausstellung kommen müsst!", BUNTE (May 18)

"BUNTE Art": Das Kult-People-Magazin widmet sich der Kunst", Focus Online (May 17)

Alexia Guggémos, "Laurence de Valmy: une artiste française "connectée" aux Etats Unis", Délire de l'Art (March 31)

Artsology, "Imagining famous artists with Instagram", (March 15)

Christophe Bertrand, "Rencontre avec Laurence de Valmy", French Radar (Feb 28)

Monica Torres, "Art Wynwood fair full of Surprises", Miamiartzine (Feb 26)

Taylor Estape, "What if History's Most Famous Artists Had Instagram? Ask Laurence de Valmy", Miami New Times (Feb 15)

Diane Lindquist, "Q&A Laurence de Valmy", Gurl Museum Day, (Feb 6)

Hannah Jeudy, "Laurence de Valmy modernizes art classics", Arty Lab, (Feb 5)



Top 5 of the Miami Art Week, Design Phase dba (Dec 12)

Featured artist,

Grégory Durieu, "Pour ces artistes français, le baptême du feu de Miami Art Week", French Morning, (Dec 6)

Heloise Colin, "ITW de Laurence et Carole, artistes exposantes de la Miami Art Week", Miami Off Road, (Nov 17)

Lindsay Straube, "What you're working on", The Creative Chronicle, (Nov 17)

Menendez Didi, "Art period and contemporary art", Poets and Artists, (Oct 17)

Karamooz Isabelle, "French contemporary art in the spotlight in Chelsea", French Quarter Magazine, (Oct 4)

Menendez Didi and Kloosterboer Lorena, "Women painting WTF they want", Buzzfeed, (Oct 2)

"Dialogue in Chelsea", French Wink (Sept 26)

Karamooz Isabelle, "Interview of Laurence de Valmy, a French contemporary artist in New York", French Quarter Magazine, (July)

Kloosterboer Lorena, "Idiosyncratic Monochromes", Poets and Artists, Issue 85, (June)

Quinio Elise, "The U.S. Residencies Drawing French Artists", France Amerique, (April 27)  

Obry Claire,"What if Instagram had always existed", French Wink, (April 14)

"Collector's Corner", Poets and Artists, (March)



Haye Julien, "Entretien avec Laurence de Valmy", Des Arts UK, (December)

Rakotoarisoa Anouk, "Laurence de Valmy nous raconte son histoire" Talented Girls, (September 27)

Travers Julia, "Laurence de Valmy: Our Basic Need to Imagine, Create, and Share", Ask Artists, (September 6)

de Valmy Laurence, "Normandy, birthplace of Impressionism", Little Normandy, (September 6)

Delacare Evangelyn, "Inspired by Andy Warhol", Saatchi Art (August)

de Valmy Laurence,"Artist Talk: La Vie en Rose at FIAF Montclair", Baristanet, (June 9)

Rennuit Solene, "Ces français qui font voyager l'excellence", Groupama Team France, (May 15)

Bhoyrub Nathalie,"Exposition Franco-Americaine au FIAF Montclair", French Morning (May 11)

Goujon Elise, "Interview de Laurence", New York Off Roads, (May 5)

de Valmy Laurence,"Colors and Reflections", ArtSlant New York, (May)

de Valmy Laurence,"A French-American Art collaboration at FIAF Montclair", Montclair Patch, (April 26)

McAllister Mary Beth,"Art collaboration at FIAF Montclair", NJ Monthly (April)

Glaser Marie-Catherine,"Exhibition at FIAF Montclair", North Jersey, (April)

Stanfield Alyson, illustration, The Art Biz Coach, (April)

Bagatin Sacha,"Une expo au resto", French District, (April)

Obry Claire, "Sweets on paintings" French Wink, (March 29)

Vukomanovic Zorana,"Interview", Creative Room 4 Talk Magazine, Issue 11 (March)

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