On February 18, 1890 Vincent Van Gogh learnt that the painting Red Vineyard had been sold in Brussels, thanks to his brother and art dealer Theo, for 400 Francs (about $2000 today), which will be his biggest sale during his lifetime.
The collector was Anna Boch, artist and patron of the arts, whose brother was friend with Van Gogh.
In January 1890, Albert Aurier, art critic, wrote a very supportive review of Van Gogh’s work stating that Van Gogh was the only painter he knew "who perceives the coloration of things with such intensity, with such a metallic, gem-like quality", his work as intense and feverish, his brushstrokes as fiery, very powerful, his palette as dazzling, and said his technique matched his artistic temperament: vigorous and intense. He ended his review by wondering if this true artist would ever get the recognition he deserved…
Sources: vangoghletters.org
Van Gogh: lust for life, Irving Stone
Vincent's big sale, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 14" x 11" (36 x 28 cm)